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Dekodieren Unicode- / Character-Feld

0000.00  **************************************************************/  
0027.00 h CCSID(*GRAPH : *SRC)     
0028.00 h CCSID(*UCS2 : 1200)      
0029.00 h CCSID(*CHAR : *JOBRUN)
0030.00 h alwnull(*usrctl)
0031.00 h option(*NoDebugIo:*SrcStmt)
0131.00  **************************************************************/ 
0132.00 d $256UNIC        S            256C   CCSID(1200)    
0133.00 d $256CHAR        S            256A  
0134.00  **************************************************************/    
0179.00 c                   Clear                   $256UNIC  
0180.00 c                   Eval      $256UNIC    = mytstuc   
0181.00 c                   Eval      $256CHAR    = $256UNIC  
0182.00 c                   Eval      myt2tch     = $256CHAR  
0183.00 c                   Clear                   $256UNIC  
0184.00 c                   Eval      $256CHAR    = mytstch   
0185.00 c                   Eval      $256UNIC    = $256CHAR  
0186.00 c                   Eval      myt2tuc     = $256UNIC   
0999.00   //**************************************************************/   

Datum - Monatsletzten ermitteln

0061.00   //**************************************************************/        
0062.00   BegSr §Ultimo;                                                           
0063.00     #Ultimo = %date();                                     // '2015-03-30' 
0064.00     #Ultimo = #Ultimo - %days(%subdt(#Ultimo : *days)-1);  // '2015-03-01' 
0065.00     #Ultimo = #Ultimo + %months(1);                        // '2015-04-01' 
0066.00     #Ultimo = #Ultimo - %days(1);                          // '2015-03-31' 
0067.00     #Brain  = %diff(#ultimo:D'1899-12-30':*days);          // 42094        
0069.00   EndSr;                                                                   
0070.00   //**************************************************************/   

0027.00   //**************************************************************/
0028.00   BegSr §Datum;                                                    
0029.00     #Brain = %diff(%date():D'1899-12-30':*days);                   
0030.00     #Date  = D'1899-12-30' + %days(#Brain);                        
0031.00     #Date  = %date(151224   : *ymd);                               
0032.00     #Date  = %date(20151224 : *iso);                               
0033.00     #Date  = %date('151224' : *ymd0);                              
0034.00     #Date  = %date('20151224' : *iso0);                            
0035.00     #Date  = %date('18.12.14' : *dmy.);    
0036.00     #num8s0= %dec(%date():*eur);          // ttmmjjjj
0037.00     #num8s0= %dec(%date():*iso);          // jjjjmmtt         
0046.00   EndSr;                                                           
0047.00   //**************************************************************/

Embedded SQL programming

  exec sql set option commit=*NONE,         
   Exec Sql select v7tgtx                                             
            into :#feld                                               
            from v7tabgld                                             
            where v7apid = 'KW'                                       
              and v7tbnr = 363                                        
              and v7tgid = : #tgid                                    
              and v7spcd = : #spcd                                    
            fetch first 1 rows only;                                  
   If     SqlCode = 100;                                              
      #feld = *blanks;                                                
   Exec Sql                                                           
      insert into v7tabgld  (V7APID, V7TBNR, V7TGID, V7SPCD, V7TGTX)  
                      Values('KW',      363, :#tgid, :#spcd, :#FELD); 
   ElseIf SqlCode <> 0;                                               
      #feld = 'sqlcode: ' + %char(sqlcode);                           
      dsply(e) #feld;                                                 
   Exec Sql update v7tabgld                           
            set  v7tgtx = :#feld                      
            where v7apid = 'KW'                       
              and v7tbnr = 363                        
              and v7tgid = : #tgid                    
              and v7spcd = : #spcd;  
   If     SqlCode <> 0;                               
      #Feld = 'Fehler beim Update ' + %char(sqlcode); 
      dsply(e) #Feld;                                 

Zebra Etikett drucken

0001.00       *****************************************************************   
0002.00      h dftname(hszebrac)                                                  
0003.00      h decedit('0,') datedit(*ymd.)                                       
0004.00      h datfmt(*iso) timfmt(*iso)                                          
0005.00      h Option(*NoDebugIo:*SrcStmt)                                        
0006.00       /IF DEFINED(*CRTBNDRPG)                                             
0007.00      h dftactgrp(*no)                                                     
0008.00       /ENDIF                                                              
0009.00       *****************************************************************   
0010.00       *****************************************************************   
0011.00       * Druckerdatei um Kartonkleber auf Zebradrucker zu drucken          
0012.00       * CRTPRTF FILE(LEHRBIB/HSZEBRA) DEVTYPE(*LINE)                      
0013.00      Fhszebra   O    F  100        Printer UsrOpn                         
0014.00       *****************************************************************   
0015.00      d sprintf         PR            10i 0 ExtProc('sprintf')             
0016.00      d                                 *   Value                          
0017.00      d                                 *   Value Options(*string:*nopass) 
0018.00      d                                 *   Value Options(*string:*nopass) 
0019.00      d                                 *   Value Options(*string:*nopass) 
0020.00      d                                 *   Value Options(*string:*nopass) 
0021.00      d system          PR            10i 0 ExtProc('system')              
0022.00      d                                 *   Value Options(*string)         
0023.00       *****************************************************************   
0024.00      d DrZeile#        s             90a                                  
0025.00      d AnzEti#         s              5u 0 inz(1)                         
0026.00      d #dots           c                   'N,40,55'                      
0027.00      d #name           s             30a                                  
0028.00      d x               s              5u 0                                
0029.00      d #col            s                   like(x)                        
0030.00      d #row            s                   like(x)                        
0031.00       *****************************************************************   
0033.00      c                   ExSr      Drck2Zebra                             
0035.00      c                   Eval      *inlr = *On                            
0036.00      c                   Return                                           
0037.00       *****************************************************************   
0038.00       /free                                                               
0039.00        //**************************************************************   
0040.00        //***                                                              
0041.00        //**************************************************************   
0042.00        BegSr  Drck2Zebra;                                                 
0043.00            DrZeile# = 'ovrprtf file(HSZEBRA) HOLD(*YES) OUTQ(*JOB)';      
0044.00            If (system(%trim(%trim(DrZeile#))) <> 0);                      
0045.00               Dsply 'Fehler beim Ovrprtf !';                              
0046.00               LeaveSr;                                                    
0047.00            EndIf;                                                         
0048.00            open HSZEBRA;                                                  
0050.00            // Kleber initialisieren                                       
0051.00            DrZeile#           = '^XA'     // start format                 
0052.00                               + '^CFD'    // alphanum. Font "D"           
0053.00                               + '^FWN'    // Feld nicht drehen            
0054.00                               + '^LH0,0'  // label home position          
0055.00                               + '^LRN'    // nicht revers drucken         
0056.00                               + '^MD0'    // Schwärzung wie Druckerdefault
0057.00                               + '^MMT'    // Vorschub nach Druck          
0058.00                               + '^MNY'    // seperate Etiketten           
0059.00                               + '^MTT'    // Thermotransfer-Etiketten 
0060.00                               + '^PMN'    // nicht horizontal spiegeln           
0061.00                               + '^PON'    // nicht auf den Kopf                  
0062.00                               + '^PQ'     // Druckqualität                       
0063.00                               + %char(AnzEti#)                                   
0064.00                               + ',0,1,Y'  // keine Pause, one replicate??, pause 
0065.00                               + '^PR2';   // langsam drucken                     
0066.00            Except DrZeile;                                                       
0068.00            //*** 6 Adressaufkleber für Max Müller in 2 Spalten ***               
0069.00            #row = 0;                                                             
0070.00            For x=1 to 9;                                                         
0071.00               #row += 50;                                                        
0072.00               If %rem(x+3 : 3) = 1;                                              
0073.00                  #name = 'Max Müller';                                           
0074.00                  #row += 50;                                                     
0075.00               ElseIf %rem(x+3 : 3) = 2;                                          
0076.00                  #name = 'Maximilianstraße 1';                                   
0077.00               Else;                                                              
0078.00                  #name = '80539 München';                                        
0079.00               EndIf;                                      
0080.00               ExSr EineZeile;                                           
0081.00            EndFor;                                                      
0083.00            DrZeile# = '^XA';                                            
0084.00            Except DrZeile;                                              
0085.00        EndSr;                                                           
0087.00        //************************************************************** 
0088.00        BegSr  EineZeile;                                                
0089.00            DrZeile# = '';                                               
0090.00            #col = 100;                                                  
0091.00            sprintf( %addr(DrZeile#)                                     
0092.00                   : '^A0%s^FO%s^FD%s^FS'                                
0093.00                   : #dots                                               
0094.00                   : %char(#col)+','+%char(#row)                         
0095.00                   : %trim(#name)                                        
0096.00                   );                                                    
0097.00            Except DrZeile;                                              
0098.00            DrZeile# = '';                                               
0099.00            #col = 800;    
0100.00            sprintf( %addr(DrZeile#)                                     
0101.00                   : '^A0%s^FO%s^FD%s^FS'                                
0102.00                   : #dots                                               
0103.00                   : %char(#col)+','+%char(#row)                         
0104.00                   : %trim(#name)                                        
0105.00                   );                                                    
0106.00            Except DrZeile;                                              
0107.00        EndSr;                                                           
0108.00        //************************************************************** 
0109.00       /end-free                                                         
0110.00       ***************************************************************** 
0111.00       * Druckausgabe für Zebradrucker                                   
0112.00      OHSZEBRA   E            DrZeile        1                           
0113.00      O                       DrZeile#            90

return points (endsr)

*DETL Continue at the beginning of detail lines. 
*GETIN Continue at the get input record routine. 
*TOTC Continue at the beginning of total calculations. 
*TOTL Continue at the beginning of total lines. 
*OFL Continue at the beginning of overflow lines. 
*DETC Continue at the beginning of detail calculations. 
*CANCL Cancel the processing of the program. 


*inka F01
*inkb F02
*inkc F03
*inkd F04
*inke F05
*inkf F06
*inkg F07
*inkh F08
*inki F09
*inkj F10
*inkk F11
*inkl F12
*inkm F13
*inkn F14
*inkp F15
*inkq F16
*inkr F17
*inks F18
*inkt F19
*inku F20
*inkv F21
*inkw F22
*inkx F23
*inky F24

random number

      /if defined(*crtbndrpg)
     h dftactgrp(*no)
     h option(*srcstmt)
     d genrndnum       pr                  ExtProc('CEERAN0')
     d                               10i 0 Const
     d                                8f
     d                               10a   Options(*omit)
     d rndnbr          s              8f
     d result          s              5p 0
     d message         s             52a   Varying
        genrndnum(0 : rndnbr : *omit);
        result  = %int(rndnbr * 6) + 1;
        message = 'random number (1..6) is '
                +  %char(result);
        dsply message;

sprintf (textconcatenation)

     /if defined(*crtbndrpg)
    h dftactgrp(*no)
    h option(*srcstmt)
    d sprintf         pr            10i 0 ExtProc('sprintf')
    d                                 *   Value
    d                                 *   Value Options(*string:*nopass)
    d                                 *   Value Options(*string:*nopass)
    d                                 *   Value Options(*string:*nopass)
    d                                 *   Value Options(*string:*nopass)
      //                              ...
    d psds           sds                  Qualified
    d     pgmn          *proc
    d     jobu                      10a   Overlay(psds:254)
    d message         s             52a
       sprintf( %addr(message)
               : 'Program %s is used by %s on %s'
               : %trim(psds.pgmn)
               : %trim(psds.jobu)
               : %char(%date())
        dsply message;