Aus informatikvs
- sql-ddl
- (Data Definition Language) das erstellen/ändern/löschen von datenbankstrukturen (tables, fields, views, ...)
- sql-dml
- (Data Manipulation Language) das erstellen/ändern/löschen des inhalts (daten) der datenbankstrukturen
- sql-dcl
- (Data Control Language) Transaktionskontrolle und Zugriffsberechtigungen
- sql-injection
- transaktionen
- attribut
- index
- commands
- such as "Select", "Insert", "Update", "Delete", "Create", and "Drop"
- tables
- are uniquely identified by their names and are comprised of columns and rows.
- columns
- contain the column name, data type, and any other attributes for the column.
- rows
- contain the records or data for the columns.
- the where-clause
- optional specifies which data values or rows will be returned (criterias: =, <>, <, >, >=, <=, like)
- tuple
- is a collection of one or more attributes or rows present in a table
- constraints
- are uses to limit the values of variables NOT NULL; UNIQUE; PRIMARY KEY; FOREIGN KEY; CHECK; DEFAULT
- subquery
- aggregat functions
- avg(); count(); count(dinstinct field); max(); ...
- scalar functions
- ucase(), lcase(), mid(), len(), left(), right(), round(), mod(), now()
- olap cube() rollup()
select current_date date_1 , VARCHAR_FORMAT(char(current_timestamp), 'J') date_2 , TO_CHAR(char(current_timestamp), 'J') date_3 , days(current_date) date_4 , TO_CHAR(char(current_timestamp), 'DDD') date_5 from sysibm.sysdummy1 ; date_1 date_2 date_3 date_4 date_5 2017-05-04 2457878 2457878 736453 124
... dec(round(plan_mod, +2), 6, 2)
... date(a.abdagc+693594) = current_date
insert into tdatbib.v7tabgld (v7apid, v7tbnr, v7tgid, v7spcd, v7tgtx) values('KW', 386, ' 758', 'D', 'Max.Mueller@test.de') ;
select * from datbib.zz left outer join tdatbib.v7tabgld on (v7apid, v7tbnr, v7tgid, v7spcd) =('KW', 386, (' ' concat zzusrk), 'D') where zzusrk='357' ;
with test (Ziffer, wort) as (values (1, 'eins') , (2, 'zwei') , (3, 'drei')) select * from test where wort <>'eins' order by Ziffer ;